Ongoing projects
- The effect of dark matter on compact stars and their coalescence
I am the PI of the FCT collaboration project “An imprint of dark matter on neutron stars and their mergers”.
This research project aims to investigate the effect of dark matter on compact stars and provide the numerical General Relativistic Hydrodynamics simulations of binary coalescence of dark matter-admixed neutron stars. Moreover, the project is focused on studying the impact of dark matter on the properties of isolated compact stars, i.e. their mass, radius, thermal evolution, etc., and the formulation of observational tests that can be examined with the existing and upcoming astrophysical and gravitational wave observations.
- Unified equation of state of strongly interacting matter
This research is related to developing the unified equation of hadron and quark matter able to describe strongly interacting matter in all ranges of temperature and baryon density, i.e. heavy-ion collisions, isolated neutron stars as well as their mergers, and supernova explosions. The equation of state will incorporate two phases, i.e. hadron and quark matter, and the deconfinement phase transition between them.
- Thermal evolution of compact stars
Past projects
- The properties of nuclear matter and nuclear liquid-gas phase transition
With co-authors, we have suggested a new concept to account for the hard-core repulsion of nuclear fragments in the statistical multifragmentation model which obeys the L. Van Hove axioms of statistical mechanics and which allowed us to consider the compressible nuclear liquid within this model. Now this concept known as the induced surface tension is actively used to describe the equation of state of hadronic matter and the one of neutron matter at high particle number densities since it allows one to go beyond the usual Van der Waals approximation and provides great computational advantages for the system with many hard-core radii.
- Chemical freeze-out in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
The proposed equation of state with induced surface tension was successfully applied to the description of the experimental data of hadron multiplicities measured at AGS (Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, Brookhaven National Laboratory), SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron, CERN), RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, Brookhaven National Laboratory) and LHC (Large Hadron Collider, CERN) energies of nuclear collisions. These results allowed us to study thermodynamics of strongly interacting matter at chemical freeze-out and signals of QCD phase transitions in high energy nuclear collisions.