Violetta Sagun
Senior Researcher in Theoretical Astrophysics
Gravity Group, STAG Research Centre
Mathematical Sciences
University of Southampton

My field of expertise and research interests span from compact stars and multi-messenger astrophysics to strongly interacting matter properties and critical phenomena. I focus on studying the effects of dark matter on neutron stars and their merger dynamics. Together with my colleagues, we perform numerical relativity simulations of the coalescence of dark matter-admixed compact stars.
Another area of my research involves exploring the properties of strongly interacting matter across a broad range of temperatures and baryon densities, encompassing heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars. Using astrophysical data, I probe the existence of deconfined quark matter in the cores of neutron stars.

Violetta Sagun
Office 2019
Gravity Group, STAG Research Centre
Mathematical Sciences
University of Southampton
Building 54, 58 Salisbury Rd,
Southampton SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom