Violetta Sagun
Assistant Researcher in Theoretical Astrophysics
CFisUC, Department of Physics,
University of Coimbra
My research interests range from compact stars and their mergers, multi-messenger astrophysics to strongly interacting matter properties and critical phenomena. Recently, I started a project related to the effect of dark matter on neutron stars and their merger dynamics. In particular, with colleagues, we perform numerical relativity simulations of the coalescence of dark matter admixed compact stars.
Another direction of my research is related to the development of the unified equation of state able to describe strongly interacting matter in all ranges of temperature and baryon density, i.e. heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars.
Violetta Sagun
Office D.42
CFisUC - Department of Physics
University of Coimbra
Rua Larga 3004-516
Coimbra, Portugal